Tuesday 27 November 2012

how to increase productivity

“How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”

If you’ve ever ran more than a few miles, you probably understand why you need to pace yourself. Runners that sprint at the start of a race will be exhausted far before they cross the finish line. The same principle applies when trying to increase productivity. One solution for pacing work that I’ve found incredibly effective is maintaining weekly/daily to-do lists. Then prioritise prioritizing.

Weekly/Daily To-Do Lists

The principle behind the WD To-Do List method is simple:

At the end of the week, write a list containing everything you want to get accomplished.

At the end of the day, write a list containing what parts of that weekly list you want to be finished tomorrow.

After you finish your daily list, you stop. Don’t work on more projects or tasks. You have the rest of the day to relax. And after you finish the weekly list, you’re done for the week. This means if you finish by Friday afternoon, you don’t start work again until Monday morning.

Although this technique might sound obvious (and it is), there are some key advantages using a WD system has over the typical, Getting Things Done approach of keeping Next Action or project lists.

Why the Weekly/Daily To-Do List System Works:

After using this method for several months, I’ve found it beats the other systems in a few key places:

1) A WD system manages your energy.

The problem isn’t running out of time, it’s running out of energy. You may have 24 hours in the day, but many of those are taken away eating, sleeping and relaxing after a few hours of exhausting work. Any productivity system that doesn’t take this into account is broken.

A Weekly/Daily system, instead, blocks out your work into manageable chunks. Instead of trying to complete everything each day, I just complete my daily list and prioritise. The same is true for the entire week. With a WD system you get a maximum amount of work done, while leaving yourself time to relax and enjoy your down time.

2) A WD system helps to manage procrastination

Procrastination can happen when you see the mountain of work in front of you, and can’t visualize an easy finish. By splitting up your to-do list into daily lists, your elephant-sized projects can become bite-sized tasks.

3) A WD system makes you proactive

My system for managing workload used to be just a daily to-do list. Unfortunately, I found that this method made me lose sight of bigger tasks that are important but not urgent. It was also difficult to prioritise tasks as everything seemed urgent.

When you’re writing the weekly list, you’re in a different frame of mind.

4) A WD system keeps you from burning out

Using the Weekly/Daily system can help manage stress levels. By automatically dividing up work into a weekly total and daily increments, I could focus on the next bite, instead of the entire elephant.

How to Use a Weekly/Daily To-Do List

The heading for this section might seem pretty self-explanatory. Write out your weekly list and your daily lists, finish them, repeat. But after using this approach for a few months, there are a few nuances you might want to consider.
Focus on the Daily List

The point of the weekly list is to serve as the starting point for writing daily lists. After you’ve broken off the chunk you want to handle tomorrow, the other tasks in the week shouldn’t be on your mind. You can pretend they don’t exist, as if the only tasks in the world were the ones tomorrow.

This approach is an incredible stress-reliever. It’s easy to worry about how you’re going to finish everything. But when “everything” becomes seven or eight tasks tomorrow, it becomes easier to manage.

Don’t Expand the Lists

If you finish your daily or weekly list earlier than you expected, you might be tempted to expand. Why not add a few extra activities, you have the time, right?

This is a bad idea because it stops you from focusing on the daily list. As soon as you create the possibility for expansion, your “everything” goes from being the tasks to finish tomorrow, back to your infinite to-do list. Stress and procrastination soon follow.Obviously there will be times when you have to make adjustments, last-minute tasks that need to be appended to your lists, but try to avoid expanding your lists just because you have free time.
Take on a Monthly Review

One area the WD system ignores is a monthly list. There are some projects and activities that may be too large/non-urgent that they may be skipped under the weekly list. Unfortunately, maintaining a monthly list is more effort than it is worth. It’s hard to predict all the small tasks you’ll need to accomplish a month ahead of time, so it stops becoming relevant to your weekly lists.

Instead I like to do a regular monthly review. In that review, I’ll pick out a few larger projects I want to finish that month. I can keep these in mind when I write my weekly lists.

A Weekly/Daily To-Do List isn’t complicated. Life doesn’t have to be complicated to work. Try using a WD system for a month. You can setup your lists with pencil and paper. What do you have to lose?

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