Monday 20 August 2012

How to control your self-control function

Can you control your ‘self control’ function?

Apparently you should never go food shopping when you are hungry…..and especially not when you are on a diet and hungry!

When is it hardest for you to regulate your emotions, to control your impulses and to resist temptation? For many, self control tends to break down late in the day: after a long demanding day we are more likely to satisfy our hunger with a takeaway, treat ourselves to a glass of wine or a beer, switch on the TV or YouTube to switch off, desist zipping our lip, descend into addictive relapses, and give in to temptation, than we would do in the morning.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

How to motivate in tough times

How to Motivate Yourself and Others when the Going Gets Tough

Employee morale and engagement have been severely challenged in recent times as the global recession has taken its toll. The fallout we see in the workplace includes threats to future survival, redundancy programmes, reorganisation and restructuring, transformation programmes – essentially a constant daily diet of accelerated change and instability. At an emotional level employees are dealing with fear of losing one’s job, survivor guilt after escaping the last round of redundancies; and sometimes lethargy in facing into the demands of the next new role / manager / team structure. For those employees who work best in stable secure environments (and Maslow would point out that this describes a basic human need) then today’s workplace provides the most potentially destructive work environment in living memory. How then do we stay motivated and motivate others to high levels of engagement and productivity?

How to choose and executive coach

Top 5 tips for choosing an executive coach
By Brid Bourke & Tommy Geary, Vice President, Commercial Sales Operations, EMEA at Hewlett-Packard

1. Rapport: The number one success factor in effective coaching relationships is the rapport between the coach and the client. Choose someone you feel you can open up to. The Coach needs to delve deep and you must pick a person you're comfortable in doing that with. If you don't get beyond the superficial symptoms, you will not get to the root cause and will only scratch the surface of your potential.

How to cope with stress

Coping with stress
An appropriate amount of stress is vital to motivate and build resilience in character. However, it should not overwhelm you. The key to successful stress management lies in taking charge: you try to effectively deal with your demands, your thoughts, your emotions and the occasional crises.

When you are in control, you feel you can deal with what life is throwing at you. However, your capacity to be in control is to a large extent determined by your coping resources. The more of these you have in your toolkit, the better you sense of control. Applying some of the following stress management tips will enable you to identify and improve your overall quality of life.

How to give effective presentations

Seven Presentation tips and techniques

Presentations can be hard work to both deliver and attend. Yet, they are part and parcel of our working lives . Having trained over 3000 participants to feel more confident and sure of themselves when delivering presentations, I have identified the following tips which some of the best presenters I have seen use. I hope you find them useful.